Healing Moat

Healing Moat

In 1995 an archaeological survey was carried out on a 37-acre site in Healing, which was to become the Wisteria Drive development plus the medieval field, known by the villagers as the sheep field.

This site dates back to Romano-British times as having been a settlement. It was one of the Manors of Healing in Domesday. The first manor being where the modern day church and Healing Manor are sited. These are major survivals of the medieval period. Though, the church could be on the site of an Anglo-Saxon building.

The modern day village owes its presence to the railway and was largely laid out and built by the local resident builder, Henry Marrows.

At the time of the Norman Conquest, Healing belonged to the Wapentake of Bradley and appears as Heghelinge in the Domesday - Haegel’s village - said to be Saxon.

In Domesday, Healing in 1066 is recorded as having two manors owned by Saxon Earls’ Morcar and Sigar, the latter estate coming under the possession of the Bishop of Bayeux in 1086 (Healing Mnaor site?). Two separate landlords for a lot of the village’s history owned the majority of the land.

There has been a lot of speculation about when the village/hamlet/farmstead was deserted and why. Some say it was abandoned after being hit by the Black Death in 1349, though archaeological evidence suggests the site was inhabited until the 16th Century at least.

It has to be said there has been inhabitants on the site from at least the Romano-British time and those living on the Wisteria Drive development are following in the footsteps of the ancestors.

Healing Manor
The Moated Settlement site is not to be confused with the other manorial site in the village, which is behind St Peter & St Paul’s Church.

That site is within the grounds of Healing Manor and public access is not available. At the time of writing the hotel and restaurant are not open to the public.

Healing Manor site is a Scheduled Ancient Monument and includes two moats. Part of the moat is still waterlogged and there is an island within the site too. The site is closely connected with the church, which at one time was a manorial church.

More information on this site can be found on English Heritage’s website and also on N E Lincolnshire Council’s website.