Peveril Castle

Peveril Castle

Peveril Castle (also Castleton Castle or Peak Castle) in the past, is a castle in Castleton, Derbyshire, England (SK14948260). It stands on a hill overlooking the village, providing views across the Hope Valley and Cave Dale. It is protected as a Scheduled Ancient Monument and is also a Grade I listed building. The castle is named after William Peverel, an allegedly (but not proven) illegitimate son of William I, who was granted Royal Manors of the Peak, shortly after the Norman Conquest in 1066 and thus administered the Royal Forest of the Peak on behalf of the king.

The castle consisted of a small square keep, which is still standing, and curtain walls. Traces of other buildings are visible within the walls, including the site of the hall that would have been the main accommodation.

Peverel’s son, William Peverel the Younger, fell in to disfavour with Henry II, and in 1155, the King confiscated the Peverel estates. The castle has belonged to the Crown or the Duchy of Lancaster since, and is now in the care of English Heritage.